Treatment Program
The Safety Center is a day treatment program for individuals who engage in harmful
sexual behaviors. We emphasize community safety, collaboration, and communication
in our Relapse Prevention model which works to integrate the dynamic healing power of
our clients' "system of support givers" into the healing process.
Our treatment program emphasizes integrating residential, occupational, and psychiatric services into a comprehensive, around the clock, model of relapse prevention treatment. We work with Level 1, 2 and 3 sexual offenders, offenders
on probation, and non-adjudicated offenders. Multiple interventions work together
to promote the relapse prevention process and to create genuine healing experiences
and change.
* Group counseling focuses on the acquisition of re-offense prevention skills
and healthy peer interactions.
* Non-traditional family therapy integrates direct care providers into the
therapeutic process and encourages a home environment that promotes
healthy choices.
* Experiential socialization, recreation and occupational therapeutic experiences give clients opportunities to practice re-offense prevention
Program Phases
Safety Center program phases include:
* Accountability
* Identifying triggers
* Developing stoppers
* Developing empathy
* Contracting, committing to, and practicing a healthy sexuality plan
* Completion and aftercare
Each phase requires that clients meet certain behavioral criteria outside of day treatment, integrate therapeutic principles and demonstrate a commitment to their use.